A modern-day holocaust

A modern-day holocaust

by Harlan Brown

I had a dream in October 2008. The setting of the dream was Nazi Germany during World War 2. I was in Germany fleeing toward Switzerland to escape being killed by the Gestapo. In the dream, the Gestapo was after me because I had helped Jews escape Hitler's ovens and gas chambers. It never occurred to me that I might have avoided the Gestapo's wrath by letting the Jews die quietly. It is so wrong to kill innocent human beings.

The dream occurred after I had viewed the video "Focus on the Strategy 2: Forty Years in the Wilderness." That video deals with a modern holocaust, a holocaust of preborn babies. The video was not particularly gruesome. Yet I was stunned by the enormity of the evil and the fact that it has been bipartisan. Since abortion was first legalized, more than 50 million babies have been killed in the United States. The first permissive abortion law was signed by a Republican governor of Colorado on April 25, 1967. Five of the seven U.S. Supreme Court justices who issued the Roe vs. Wade decision were Republican.

The holocaust continues with more than a million babies being slaughtered in the United States each year. Both the current occupant of the White House, Democrat Barack Obama, and the current national chairman of the Republican Party, Michael Steele, endorse continuing the slaughter.

On Jan. 23 Obama rescinded the Mexico City Policy, which requires all nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that receive federal funding to refrain from performing or promoting abortion services in other countries. This executive order was originally issued by President Ronald Reagan, rescinded by President Bill Clinton, reissued by President George W. Bush.

According to the www.whitehouse.gov website, Barack Obama's commitment to abortion rights goes far beyond rescinding the Mexico City Policy. See www.whitehouse.gov/agenda/women. He supports the Freedom of Choice Act, which would repeal all federal and state restrictions on abortion. It would also legalize partial birth infanticide. See Opposing the Freedom of Choice Act and Assaulting Christian values without being divisive?.

Michael Steele has also taken a stand to continue the slaughter. In a "Meet the Press" interview in 2006 he said that he supports upholding Roe vs. Wade. See The GOP: Steel is lacking.

My dream for the future is that all people regardless of political party would respect the sanctity of human life. Since both major parties continue to support the modern holocaust, I am glad to see a party arising that is taking a strong stand to defend the helpless innocents. That party is America's Independent Party. For more information, see www.aipnews.com and www.selfgovernment.us.

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