ASCII and Latin-1 Characters

ASCII and Latin-1 Characters

The ASCII character set is defined in ANSI standard X3.4-1986. The Latin-1 character set (Latin Alphabet No. 1) is defined in ISO standard 8859-1. PostScript is defined in the PostScript Language Reference Manual by Adobe Systems Incorporated. The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) is defined in ISO standard 8879.

The table below shows for each character in Latin Alphabet No. 1 the hexadecimal value, symbol, Latin-1 name, ASCII name, PostScript name, PostScript code (in the StandardEncoding Encoding Vector), and SGML entity name. The PostScript code for each Latin-1 character in the ISOLation1Encoding Encoding Vector is the octal value of the character, except for the grave accent; the ISOLatin1Encoding code for the grave accent is 221, but the octal value of its position in the ISO Latin-1 standard (8859-1) is 140, the equivalent of hexadecimal 60 or bit combination 06/00. An SGML text entity is encoded by putting an ampersand (&) before the name and a semicolon (;) after it.

Hex.Sym.Latin-1 name ASCII name PostScript Code SGML Hex.Sym.Latin-1 name PostScript Code SGML
20 space space space 040 A0 no-break space space 240 nbsp
21! exclamation mark exclamation point exclam 041 excl A1¡inverted exclamation mark exclamdown 241 iexcl
22" quotation mark quotation marks quotedbl 042 quot A2¢cent sign cent 242 cent
23# number sign number sign numbersign 043 num A3£pound sign sterling 243 pound
24$ dollar sign dollar sign dollar 044 dollar A4¤currency sign currency 250 curren
25% percent sign percent percent 045 percnt A5¥yen sign yen 245 yen
26& ampersand ampersand ampersand 046 amp A6¦broken bar brokenbar - brvbar
27' apostrophe apostrophe quoteright 047 apos A7§paragraph sign, section sign section 247 sect
28( left parenthesis opening parenthesis parenleft 050 lpar A8¨diaeresis dieresis 310 uml
29) right parenthesis closing parenthesis parenright 051 rpar A9©copyright sign copyright - copy
2A* asterisk asterisk asterisk 052 ast AAªfeminine ordinal indicator ordfeminine343 ordf
2B+ plus sign plus plus 053 plus AB«left angle quotation mark guillemotleft253 laquo
2C, comma comma comma 054 comma AC¬not sign logicalnot - not
2D- hyphen, minus sign hyphen (minus) minus 261 minus AD­soft hyphen hyphen 055 shy
2E. full stop period (decimal point) period 056 period AE®registered trade mark sign registered - reg
2F/ solidus slant slash 057 sol AF¯macron breve 306 macr
300 digit 0 digit 0 zero 060 B0°ring above, degree sign degree - deg
311 digit 1 digit 1 one 061 B1±plus-minus sign plusminus - plusmn
322 digit 2 digit 2 two 062 B2²superscript two twosuperior- sup2
333 digit 3 digit 3 three 063 B3³superscript three threesuperior- sup3
344 digit 4 digit 4 four 064 B4´acute accent acute 302acute
355 digit 5 digit 5 five 065 B5µmicro sign mu - micro
366 digit 6 digit 6 six 066 B6pilcrow sign paragraph 266 para
377 digit 7 digit 7 seven 067 B7·middle dot periodcentered264middot
388 digit 8 digit 8 eight 070 B8¸cedilla cedilla 313 cedil
399 digit 9 digit 9 nine 071 B9¹superscript 1 onesuperior- sup1
3A: colon colon colon 072 colon BAºmasculine ordinal indicator ordmasculine353ordm
3B; semicolon semicolon semicolon 073 semi BB»right angle quotation mark guillemotright273raquo
3C< less-than sign less than less 074 lt BC¼vulgar fraction one quarter onequarter - frac14
3D= equals sign equals equal 075 equals BD½vulgar fraction one half onehalf - frac12
3E> greater-than sign greater than greater 076 gt BE¾vulgar fraction three quarters threequarters-frac34
3F? question mark question mark question 077 quest BF¿inverted question mark questiondown277 iquest
40@ commercial at commercial at sign at 100 commat C0Àb letter A with grave accent Agrave - Agrave
41A capital letter A capital letter A A 101 C1Ácapital letter A with acute accent Aacute - Aacute
42B capital letter B capital letter B B 102 C2Âcapital letter A with circumflex accent Acircumflex- Acirc
43C capital letter C capital letter C C 103 C3Ãcapital letter A with tilde Atilde - Atilde
44D capital letter D capital letter D D 104 C4Äcapital letter A with diaeresis Adieresis - Auml
45E capital letter E capital letter E E 105 C5Åcapital letter A with ring above Aring - Aring
46F capital letter F capital letter F F 106 C6Æcapital diphthong A with E AE - AElig
47G capital letter G capital letter G G 107 C7Çcapital letter C with cedilla Ccedilla - Ccedil
48H capital letter H capital letter H H 110 C8Ècapital letter E with grave accent Egrave - Egrave
49I capital letter I capital letter I I 111 C9Écapital letter E with acute accent Eacute - Eacute
4AJ capital letter J capital letter J J 112 CAÊcapital letter E with circumflex accent Ecircumflex- Ecirc
4BK capital letter K capital letter K K 113 CBËcapital letter E with diaeresis Edieresis - Euml
4CL capital letter L capital letter L L 114 CCÌcapital letter I with grave accent Igrave - Igrave
4DM capital letter M capital letter M M 115 CDÍcapital letter I with acute accent Iacute - Iacute
4EN capital letter N capital letter N N 116 CEÎcapital letter I with circumflex accent Icircumflex- Icirc
4FO capital letter O capital letter O O 117 CFÏcapital letter I with diaeresis Idieresis - Iuml
50P capital letter P capital letter P P 120 D0Ðcapital Icelandic letter Eth Eth - ETH
51Q capital letter Q capital letter Q Q 121 D1Ñcapital letter N with tilde Ntilde - Ntilde
52R capital letter R capital letter R R 122 D2Òcapital letter O with grave accent Ograve - Ograve
53S capital letter S capital letter S S 123 D3Ócapital letter O with acute accent Oacute - Oacute
54T capital letter T capital letter T T 124 D4Ôcapital letter O with circumflex accent Ocircumflex- Ocirc
55U capital letter U capital letter U U 125 D5Õcapital letter O with tilde Otilde - Otilde
56V capital letter V capital letter V V 126 D6Öcapital letter O with diaeresis Odieresis - Ouml
57W capital letter W capital letter W W 127 D7×multiplication sign multiply - times
58X capital letter X capital letter X X 130 D8Øcapital letter O with oblique stroke Oslash 351 Oslash
59Y capital letter Y capital letter Y Y 131 D9Ùcapital letter U with grave accent Ugrave - Ugrave
5AZ capital letter Z capital letter Z Z 132 DAÚcapital letter U with acute accent Uacute - Uacute
5B[ left square bracket opening bracket bracketleft133 lsqb DBÛcapital letter U with circumflex accent Ucircumflex- Ucirc
5C\ reverse solidus reverse slant backslash 134 bsol DCÜcapital letter U with diaeresis Udieresis - Uuml
5D] right square bracket closing bracket bracketright135 rsqb DDÝcapital letter Y with acute accent Yacute - Yacute
5E^ circumflex accent circumflex asciicircum136 circ DEÞ capital Icelandic letter Thorn Thorn - THORN
5F_ low line underline underscore 137 lowbar DFßsmall German letter sharp s germandbls 373 szlig
60` grave accent grave accent grave 301 grave E0à small letter a with grave accent agrave - agrave
61a small letter a small letter a a 141 E1ásmall letter a with acute accent aacute - aacute
62b small letter b small letter b b 142 E2âsmall letter a with circumflex accent acircumflex- acirc
63c small letter c small letter c c 143 E3ãsmall letter a with tilde atilde - atilde
64d small letter d small letter d d 144 E4äsmall letter a with diaeresis adieresis - auml
65e small letter e small letter e e 145 E5åsmall letter a with ring above aring - aring
66f small letter f small letter f f 146 E6æsmall diphthong a with e ae 361 aelig
67g small letter g small letter g g 147 E7ç small letter c with cedilla ccedilla - ccedil
68h small letter h small letter h h 150 E8èsmall letter e with grave accent egrave - egrave
69i small letter i small letter i i 151 E9ésmall letter e with acute accent eacute - eacute
6Aj small letter j small letter j j 152 EAêsmall letter e with circumflex accent ecircumflex- ecirc
6Bk small letter k small letter k k 153 EBësmall letter e with diaeresis edieresis - euml
6Cl small letter l small letter l l 154 ECìsmall letter i with grave accent igrave - igrave
6Dm small letter m small letter m m 155 EDísmall letter i with acute accent iacute - iacute
6En small letter n small letter n n 156 EEîsmall letter i with circumflex accent icircumflex- icirc
6Fo small letter o small letter o o 157 EFïsmall letter i with diaeresis idieresis - iuml
70p small letter p small letter p p 160 F0ðsmall Icelandic letter eth eth - eth
71q small letter q small letter q q 161 F1ñsmall letter n with tilde ntilde - ntilde
72r small letter r small letter r r 162 F2òsmall letter o with grave accent ograve - ograve
73s small letter s small letter s s 163 F3ósmall letter o with acute accent oacute - oacute
74t small letter t small letter t t 164 F4ôsmall letter o with circumflex accent ocircumflex- ocirc
75u small letter u small letter u u 165 F5õsmall letter o with tilde otilde - otilde
76v small letter v small letter v v 166 F6ösmall letter o with diaeresis odieresis - ouml
77w small letter w small letter w w 167 F7÷division sign divide - divide
78x small letter x small letter x x 170 F8ø small letter o with oblique stroke oslash 371 oslash
79y small letter y small letter y y 171 F9ùsmall letter u with grave accent ugrave - ugrave
7Az small letter z small letter z z 172 FAúsmall letter u with acute accent uacute - uacute
7B{ left curly bracket opening brace braceleft 173 lcub FBûsmall letter u with circumflex accent ucircumflex- ucirc
7C| vertical line vertical line bar 174 verbar FCüsmall letter u with diaeresis udieresis - uuml
7D} right curly bracket closing brace braceright 175 rcub FDýsmall letter y with acute accent yacute - yacute
7E~ tilde tilde asciitilde 176 tilde FEþsmall Icelandic letter thorn thorn - thorn
177 FFÿsmall letter y with diaeresis ydieresis - yuml

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