Seeking to honor the Creator God, who is the source of our unalienable rights ...
Promoting the abolition of slavery (including sex trafficking) and of killing the
tiniest girls and boys (infanticide, aborticide, and embryonic stem cell research).
Forgiveness, hope, and
are available to those who repent.
(Isaiah 1:16-20)

Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die.(Proverbs 31:8)
- Song of the month:
- A Mystery
- Article of the month:
- The Hydroplate Theory
- Previous article of the month:
- My testimony
- Video of the month:
- Ectopic Life - Hundreds of Babies Born from Ectopic Pregnancies
- Previous video of the month:
- The Truth Project
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© 1999-2024 Harlan Brown